Welcome to pomegranate
Hey All,
So we’re finally here, launch day with our first blog post!
I thought it could be a good idea to begin our blog series off with an official ‘hello’ as it were.
So what is pomegranate? At our core we’re an SEO agency who see things differently.
At a high level, we are concerned with two things; helping our customers connect with their audience (ranking on search engines) and doing our best to help our customer put their best foot forward in that interaction.
Why on earth did we choose to call ourselves pomegranate?!
Although when we first chose the name, pomegranate, it was for other reasons; our journey with pomegranate so far has led us to looking at marketing - and even human-to-human interactions - differently.
We have come to believe that each of us can be thought of as a walking garden.
And when we interact with another person we have an opportunity through intentions, actions, visuals and words, to plant a seed in another person’s garden.
A seed that will one day bear fruit for you and for them.
Just as with normal fruits, some are bitter - such as olives - and some are sweet - such as grapes… or pomegranates!
In the same way when someone takes out their bad day on us, it’s much easier for us to repeat the same behavior (typical olive stuff) - we also see that when we do nice things for people it makes it easier for them to go on and do nice things for others too (good ol’ grape).
Our mission is to help small businesses connect with their audiences and grow. When we think of fruits in nature, it’s usually the sweeter fruits which have the most seeds in them and are able to bear the most fruits in times to come, all else considered equal.
Enter the freebies!
We believe that resources don’t begin at financial, we believe they begin at effort. Therefore we are reserving one day per week of pomegrante’s time to helping young startups or charity projects with their website’s SEO and content marketing - completely for free.
For the more mature (business) audience, we are offering a free full website review (& SEO health check) along with competitor research and a full report of findings.
All that we ask is that you fill out the Free Website Review contact form and have an half hour available to go through our findings. The worst that can happen is that we tell you that you are doing all the right things!
Thanks for the view.